Contact Information
Helsinki Office
abilis (at)
Lintulahdenkatu 10, 5th floor
00500 Helsinki, FINLAND
Feedback Channel
We collect feedback on all our activities, suspected misconduct and harassment in the projects we fund.
We process each message we receive confidentially.
You can send your message anonymously:
How to apply for funding
Abilis Foundation is only funding projects of organisations of persons with disabilities in certain countries. All projects need to be planned and implemented by and for persons with disabilities.
To apply for funding please click your country on the right and contact our country staff who will be happy to send you our application form and guidance.
If your country is not listed on the right we can unfortunately not provide any funding at this time.

Riina Paasio
Executive Director
riina.paasio (at)
+358 45 77 5000 69

Rea Konttinen
Programme Manager
rea.konttinen (at)
+358 40 9401 481

Juha Vahtera
Financial and Administrative Manager
juha.vahtera (at)
+358 45 7750 0004
Only textmessages

Nina Stieren
Financial Officer
nina.stieren (at)
+358 40 9401 480
Communications and Advocacy