How to apply for funding
The Abilis Foundation is only funding projects by organizations of persons with disabilities in its ten official Programme Countries. All projects must be planned and implemented by and for persons with disabilities.
The ten Programme Countries are: Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Ukraine, Uganda, and Vietnam.
To apply for funding, please first contact our local staff in your country's Country Office or Partner Organization. You will find their contact information under the tab "Contact". They will be happy to send you our application form and guidance, and they will kindly help you in the application process. The full Project Process is detailed under "Projects".
Please note that contacting the staff of our HQ in Helsinki will not speed up the process or increase the likelihood of getting funding. All applications are first processed on a local level.
If your country is not one of our official Programme Countries, we unfortunately cannot provide any funding at this time. We can only fund projects in Programme Countries. However, we wish you luck in finding the right funding