Abilis Consulting
Abilis Consulting Ltd. is a company owned by Abilis Foundation that offers expert consulting services related to disability and sustainable development, tailored to the needs of the customers and different contexts. With its expert services, Abilis Consulting advances the human rights of persons with disabilities and disability inclusion. At the same time, its goal is to generate revenue to fund the activities of the Foundation. The company has been active since the latter half of 2016.
Abilis Consulting has a wide range of experts in its roster, who have backgrounds in different fields and personal experience of disability.
We offer training related to disability and human rights, we give advice for concrete situations, projects and programmes, so that the participation and human rights of persons with disabilities are recognised, disability inclusion is strengthened, and the voices of persons with disabilities are heard on an equal basis with others. We also conduct reviews and evaluations.
Abilis Consulting offers services to the public sector, civil society, businesses, and other types of actors in Finland and abroad.
Ask more about Abilis Consulting from the Executive Director Riina Paasio by phone: +358 45 7750 0069